

  • Where can I get more information about each course?

    Click on the course that you are interested in. You'll find a promo video and description for the course that will give you an understanding of what you will be learning throughout the course

  • How can I contact you if I have any questions?

    You can email me (your instructor) directly to [email protected] or through 'contact' at this site

  • If I sign up for membership, can I cancel it easily?

    Yes, you can cancel it with the 1-click button. Contact me directly if you are having any questions at [email protected] and I'll assist you as much as I can

  • As a new member I would like to see new courses added from time to time. Is it what you are planning?

    Yes, absolutely. I create video content on regular basis. I upload videos on the topics of psychology and spirituality on YouTube, Instagram, and here as new courses

  • Is there a certificate at the end of the course?

    Yes, there is a professional certificate of completion at the end of this course. It has an accredited logo that will help you with your further studies or new job in psychology-related field

  • Are your courses accredited?

    Yes, all my courses are accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) to indicate high quality content throughout each and every course